Memory Pills: Ingredients & Effects

Memory pills are supplements that are supposed to support the brain's activities. Mostly they contain herbal ingredients.

What are Memory Pills?

Memory pills are herbal supplements designed to allegedly “improve one’s memory function”. The ingredients are herbs that have been used by various cultures for many centuries. While medical and scientific studies are ongoing, it does appear that many individuals do experience benefits whenever they take these herbal supplements. These individuals claim to experience enhanced mental clarity and improved brain function.


Why do people take Memory Pills?

The brain is a very complex organ. It needs nourishment in order to function correctly. These days, many people don’t take good care of their bodies. They eat junk food, greasy food, and drink anything but water. Some people also have substance abuse problems. All of this leads to a buildup of toxins in the body.

When the body is filled with toxins, memory, and clarity are affected. This is because the lack of nourishment causes circulation problems to and from the brain. Since the brain doesn’t receive the vital nutrients it needs for proper functioning, memory loss and concentration problems ensue.

Thus, people take memory pills because they hope the herbs will provide them with health benefits. The herbs found in the pills are believed to fight toxins and dangerous free radicals in the body. Now, it should be said that the herbs do not cure or treat any illnesses. Those who are suffering from the side effects of conditions related to toxins in the body should seek medical help.

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What ingredients are found in Memory Pills?

Omega 3 fatty acids are usually found in memory pills. A lot of research has been undertaken over the effectiveness of fish oil. It contains the fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are said to stimulate the brain and to improve mental awareness. Another common ingredient in memory pills is ginkgo biloba. This plant contains antioxidants which, according to research, neutralize harmful free radicals.

Hawthorn contains OPC antioxidants, which have been known to clean out toxins from the brain and blood vessels. According to studies, hawthorn helps to transport nutrients and oxygen to the brain. With sufficient nutrients and oxygen, the brain can function properly. Other ingredients commonly found in memory pills include bacopin, green tea, rosemary, gotu kola, and schisandra.


What Is the history of Memory Pills and ingredients?

Ginkgo biloba is a species of tree located in China. It has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy for a variety of problems. It is believed to be an anti-vertigo agent and to have nootropic properties. While not entirely proven beyond scientific doubt, recent studies have shown that ginkgo biloba properties can enhance memory and concentration.

Shakespeare was even aware of the folklore surrounding rosemary. In Hamlet, the character Ophelia states, “There’s rosemary – that’s for remembrance.” As for contemporary research, rosemary was placed randomly inside cubicles at an office. The employees who worked inside those cubicles reportedly showed better memory and performance than those in other cubicles (without rosemary).


What Memory Pills can't do

While there will always be skeptics when it comes to these supplements, there are certain things that no plant extract or vitamin can do. For instance, these supplements cannot cure any illnesses or cure brain tumors. They are not intended for sick individuals to take.

What memory pills ARE intended for is to help those who want improved memories and concentration, yet are otherwise healthy.