How to Increase the Motivation to Study
See these quick & easy techniques to improve your or your loved one's motivation to study.
Last updated:
October 05, 2015

How to Increase the Motivation to Study
From elementary school to college, one thing never changes: the need to increase study motivation. Reading a book for entertainment is one thing. When it is time to hit the books and read for comprehension, it is an entirely different matter, particularly when it is a subject that a child would rather skip altogether.
If you are desperately searching for ways to increase study motivation in your child or in your students, there are some techniques that have proven successful for students of all levels. Even though you may understand the difficulty behind committing to a subject that has little or no appeal, that doesn’t mean it can’t present a new challenge if handled correctly.
It is important to teach children good study habits and find ways to increase study motivation while they are young because these habits will likely be established into adulthood. If you want your child to be a good student in college, you had better start finding ways to increase study motivation as soon as they show disinterest at a young age.
Bribery vs Punishment to Increase Study Motivation
Teachers and parents alike use bribery or punishment to increase study motivation with each person normally preferring one method over the other. With some children, getting something that they want is all it takes to increase study motivation and improve their grades. For others, the threat of punishment such as losing time doing something they enjoy is just as effective. However, there are a large number of children with which either method isn’t enough to increase study motivation of a subject they aren’t interested in and don’t want to take the time to learn.
Challenge Students in Order to Increase Study Motivation
Nearly all children are competitive with their classmates when they feel they have a chance at beating them. You might be surprised to observe your child in the classroom when there is a competition going on. This is one of the biggest advantages a teacher has to increase study motivation.
Teachers who turn the classroom into a stage for their own personal game show have found that not only does it increase study motivation, but children also retain information for longer periods. When they must read, understand, and retain material in order to match wits with their classmates, they will put more effort into understanding and remembering what is in that material. Use history questions to play jeopardy or math equations for bingo. You will be amazed at how well this approach will increase study motivation and bring up grades of all the students!
Increase Study Motivation by Changing the Venue
For many children, the lack of study motivation isn’t really a lack of interest. Not all children learn in the same way. While one may learn easiest from having material read to them (audio learner), another may have to see for themselves what the material is talking about (hands-on learner). Although it is difficult for the teacher to get to know every student and prepare materials in a way that each will benefit from in order to increase study motivation, a parent can take the time to understand what works best for their child. To learn more about how to determine what type of learner your child is, go to http://quizzes.familyeducation.com/learning-disabilities/intelligence/55641.html.
If your child can’t get a grasp of the information his plant biology book is providing about different types of leaves, go on a hike with him and let him see the differences in person. Changing venues may be all it takes to get an instant understanding of the material and to increase study motivation.
The Computer Can Often Help Increase Study Motivation
Find out from your child’s teacher if there are online study sites that their school has available. There are also many programs that you can get for your home computer that accompany the materials they are covering in class. Depending on your child, there are games and puzzles, drawings and maps that can be used to get a better understanding and increase study motivation in nearly any subject area.
The most effective way to increase study motivation is by working together with your child’s teacher so you have an active role and an understanding in what they are studying and what methods are working best for you child. Once you learn what type of learner your child is, you are certain to have the key to increase study motivation and help your child develop better study habits for life!